Anyway first of all in my time absent from this amazing spot that I use to vent, I AM NOW A BLACK BELT. I know, I stink, I just had to wait two months too write this, Like I said, SLACKER . Still I am glad that me and my Grandma pushed through and earned it, with the help of our instructors of coarse, and I must say I was quite exhausted after the test, tiered enough to go to bed without taking anything off, including my dear tennis shoes.
The next thing I am so eager to tell you about would be my amazing new project that goes by the name of, The Blond Menace. Not only do I ride him whenever I get my butt down to the stables, but I also got to ride him in a show this Saturday. I wasn't on him for ten seconds before he began bucking, and I ended up on his neck, holding on for dear life until he stopped. After I got myself back in the saddle he proceeded with the bucking until I had to finally dismount and lunge him before my dressage test. He only bucked once or twice after that, but it is not the end of the story. During my Cross-country part of the event, My dear Menace decided it would be fun to try running, and he actually enjoyed bolting off after every jump. Which may I inform you is a ginormous accomplishment, as my crop was much less than needed during the venture. Oh my dear Lucky. He did finally decide to calm down though for the last event, show jumping, and we got a clear round. I can't tell you where I placed or anything because both me and the one person I was competing with in my division both had enough refusals to be disqualified. Her and I agreed that we both had tied for first.GO Horses!
I now have a new blog I will be posting my stories on, it is located: Here. My friend and I will also be posting our book reviews and suggestions on the same blog. I will continue with this one also, so don't worry.
Anyway, I will leave you guys with that for the moment. Have fun, keep reading, and just be you.
- G. Alyssa