Sunday, February 28, 2010


So I said we weren't going to paint my room in my last post but we ended up painting! all the walls except my closet wall are green and my closet wall is a chocolate brown! My room seems so much bigger! I love it!

Thanks Grandma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Saturday, February 27, 2010


OK so I haven't been feeling well and we went to the doctors yesterday cause we thought I had strep. Well I didn't and I never have had strep anyway, but now I have Bronchitis. We were supposed to paint my room today or tomorrow but now we can't cause I am sick.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Happy BirthDay!

Happy BirthDay Haylee and may it be your best one Yet!

Friday, February 19, 2010

A little Somthing I have realized about writing

We say we cannot write a story because we have no idea what to write about. Well we have plenty Ideas and we already have one chosen. The real problem is finding the time to sit down and put your thoughts on the papper. This is hard because Emotion and thoughts aren't expressed in words it seems but rather in images that only you understand. Trying to put those thoughts into words is a big challenge. Thats why a good book is so hard to write, because you have to express your thoughts in a way others understand. A good book is truly a great book.


Ok so Ya This is random. I put pics up on here that way I could use them on a different website but now mes has a different way so ya

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Valentines Dance!

For the Brookwood elementary sixth grade valentines dance We have a Swing competition.Today at recess I got asked. Yep. Better practice.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Evil or What!

Ok so to me Magpies are Evil birds! so the other day I saw3 one and finnally figured out what Magpie was short for............. MAGGOT PIES! Yep thats what Magpie's short for. And If you agree with me about these horrible birds, You will understand perfectly that I don't feel bad for them whenever my brother sees one and decides he wants to go outside and shoot it.