Sunday, September 26, 2010

Horse Show's and other things....

I went to a horseshow yesterday called the Extream Horsemans Challlenge, It's a mix of cross country and another kind of show that I don't know the name of. Anyway I got eighth because I had to beat buck over most of the obstacles, and I dropped the bucket... Still I made it up during the cooaperation event were you had one minuet to go into this arena that was filled with random obstacles, you then could go over whatever you like, but each was worth a different amount of points. The things I chose were, the weaving poles (10) the tarp (20) the weaving barrels, (10) and then the tarp again. So I got a total of 60pts and one that part of the event in our group. Eathier way I had a great time and am sunburnt from head to toe!

Other than that, my Birthday is only... Eleven days away!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ok Sorry

OK, Sorry I haven't posted in a while, with a new school all my activities and honors to keep up with I don't have much time. I'm in two honors classes, English and Math which is actually English, Reading, and Pre-Algebra. Not only that but Mondays and Tuesdays I have Karate, Wedness days I have Youth group, and Thursdays I have horseback. In Karate I am now a Blue belt. In Horseback I will be working on: Dressage, show-jumping, and cross-country that way I can start participating in show's next year. Another thing I am doing right now is seeing how many grains of rice I can donate using free rice this month. Whow!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Summer :) -> :(

Oh Summer, It is almost over, the start of seventh grade looms ahead. Times of laying around and having fun with friends is to come to a stop when the first day comes. 7th grade 7 periods many more than 7 friends and 7 books to read in endless time comes to only spurts latter in the night, but I get up earlier, but get home earlier except on Fridays when we get to sleep in. I still can't decide between being happy... or sad.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Last Days

My last day of school was a week ago Thursday, and I have been thinking about it ever scince. I cried and I laughed and I was happy and I was sad. It was really strange leaving the school for the last time as "Students". I am excited for the rest of summer vacation but I will miss my teachers and the school, It just has so many good memories with it. At least as we left the school we left a "Legacy" behind. We were the first to start a new tradition were we all walk through the school one last time with the other students lining the halls clapping and cheering, their faces bright and smiling with the prospect of summer vacation ahead of them. Some of us were teary eyed and laughing as we left. But there was another "Legacy" we left behind. We were the first BrookWood sixths graders in tweleve years to beat the Staff in SoftBall!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Awsome Movies

There are only two movies I will watch over and over and over again, The first is Lion King, but I have a problem cause I don't have It! the other I got yesterday and it's Avatar! I love that movie.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


What's up with school these days, I mean I have had three big projects to focus on in the past two months,
1: Reading fair, I worked on this with Haylee and katlynn and we got a perfect score. At least were done, or I would go CRAZY!

2: Autobiography, ANNOYING, I have to write a chapter about each year and it's due on wedness day each week. Still going on

3: Country Report, I chose Kenya and now I have to have a rough draft of it's history on Tuesday! then I have a whole bunch of other stuff due every Tuesday for it!!!!

Sometimes I feel like they just want us to be buried, cause I still have homework from my classes too!

Sunday, February 28, 2010


So I said we weren't going to paint my room in my last post but we ended up painting! all the walls except my closet wall are green and my closet wall is a chocolate brown! My room seems so much bigger! I love it!

Thanks Grandma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Saturday, February 27, 2010


OK so I haven't been feeling well and we went to the doctors yesterday cause we thought I had strep. Well I didn't and I never have had strep anyway, but now I have Bronchitis. We were supposed to paint my room today or tomorrow but now we can't cause I am sick.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Happy BirthDay!

Happy BirthDay Haylee and may it be your best one Yet!

Friday, February 19, 2010

A little Somthing I have realized about writing

We say we cannot write a story because we have no idea what to write about. Well we have plenty Ideas and we already have one chosen. The real problem is finding the time to sit down and put your thoughts on the papper. This is hard because Emotion and thoughts aren't expressed in words it seems but rather in images that only you understand. Trying to put those thoughts into words is a big challenge. Thats why a good book is so hard to write, because you have to express your thoughts in a way others understand. A good book is truly a great book.


Ok so Ya This is random. I put pics up on here that way I could use them on a different website but now mes has a different way so ya

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Valentines Dance!

For the Brookwood elementary sixth grade valentines dance We have a Swing competition.Today at recess I got asked. Yep. Better practice.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Evil or What!

Ok so to me Magpies are Evil birds! so the other day I saw3 one and finnally figured out what Magpie was short for............. MAGGOT PIES! Yep thats what Magpie's short for. And If you agree with me about these horrible birds, You will understand perfectly that I don't feel bad for them whenever my brother sees one and decides he wants to go outside and shoot it.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Oww again

OK so I hurt myself again and my knees are messed up. Yep I did it again. I showed my crazy blond Friend a piece of wax and she started chasing me.... she jumped, I fell and now my knees are messed up. Yep gotta stop with the hurting.

Friday, January 22, 2010


Help By Answering these questions!


I have decided a good way to explain the brookwood 6th grade is a herd of wildabeast at a river crossing. Look it up its scary to be in that but with humans instead. We all jump down the cliffs(stairs) rather than going down in a line calmly. look it up and you will see what I mean. when we leave class we get jamed between meny bodies and we can't move an inch.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Super Powers

The other day me and my friends were playing four-square. My friend through the ball and as I tried to catch it I ran into a picnic table. It hit me hard in the side and I did a flip. In this way I scraped both of my knees, and bruised my side. My other friend says I got super powers that day!


Ok so were I go to school we have three periods in the morning, Math, Reading, and Language arts. For me they come in that order. Reading is my favorite of the three and my time to chillax and go on an adventure. But recently my chillax time as vanished. The reading specialists only come to my period. They have come the past few days and sat and yelled at us about how to do the new things they are trying to have us do. Ok so they arn't really yelling at us they just sound like there mad at us all the time. So now my relax time is filled with a chaotic mess of randomness! I am now exaghsted and I still have to figure out exactly what they want us to do!

sincerly ~
the really annoyed me!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Remember who you used to be
Remember who you are
Remember those books you used to read
Remember those books you used to write
Remember all those games you used to play
And all the careless things
Remember those things, But remember Who you are!


Tonight I was babysitting three kids for Amelia mothers surprise birthday party. Two of the three are brother and sister and for baby sitting them for about four hours their mother payed me $35 dollars. The other girl I was watching was my cousin. My aunt payed me $10. Anyway I think they over payed me. So Thanks!

Januarys Monthly Poll

So if you find my Monthly poll answer it, If you click other post here. But whatever you do, Go Green. Turn off Water when your not using it, Recycle, Turn off lights that are not in use. All the little things you do count. Do your part!

Walk or Run?

Today when Haylee came over we went for a walk with Odie, my big black lab mix. What I thought would be a nice walk around the neighborhood turned out to be a run. I question if I was taking Odie for a walk or if he was taking me.

Byu Vs. UTAH

Were I live we have our huge rivalry between two football teams. BYU Vs. Utah. and guess who I vote for....... Go Utes!


As I went to eat my double chocolate muffin and drink my strawberry water I jumped down the hall and yelled Fly. Moose (Another one of my dogs)stoped walking and looked at me like I was weird. I know.... it's true. But who cares when being yourself your happiest.


Today is a Saturday so I thought I could sleep in. But No My dog Odie decided it was time to get up and started passing back and forth(7:00 am, witch is usually the time I get up for school). I finally let him back outside and tried to go back to sleep. It wasn't happening.


Friday, January 15, 2010


My Bff's are amazing. First there is the writer and artist, then the two crazys, My very few calm friends, and many more! (Sorry if i didn't mention you guys its just hard to keep up with everyone and explain your personality!.) Anyway I love them all to death and learn from them everyday.


Grandpa, Grandma, Noah. These are just the people that live in my house and are family. I have plenty of other family that are well......Crazy. I don't know what I would do without them. They are a BIG part of my life. Noah can be annoying, but I guess I can be too!

Random things!

Going green is important. If we don't go green what will happen to the earth we live on!
My friends are amazing and I love them all!
Today I went horseback riding. I ride a horse named Jewels. To me I think this fits her.... Whats Ho! Lets GO!